The Springbank Catholic community has several committees and groups which help to maintain and sustain the vision and mission of the Gospel. Made of lay people, these committees play an important role in the leadership of our community. Take a look at these committees, and reach out to the office at 519-471-4220 for more information.
Parish Pastoral Council
The principal role of a pastoral council is to engage in pastoral planning for the future by adhering to the mission and vision of both the diocese and the parish. This involves a three-fold approach: one, to conduct needs analyses and prioritize pastoral requirements; two, to set and develop goals and objectives; and three, to recommend a set of intended actions to achieve those goals and objectives. The Parish Pastoral Council has a three-year term, which can be extended to another term.
Building Committee
The Building Committee is a consultative body that provides reviews, advice, and recommendations to the pastor concerning the structural facility and development of the parish buildings and grounds. If you have a background in building design, maintenance, or function, consider being a member of this committee.